It's funny I have a friend who is trying to lose weight and she is kicking butt to boot! She is excited about shopping for new clothes and the fact that her current ones are falling off. While I am totally proud of her I am thinking to myself how am I losing all the weight I have.
Just yesterday my hubby told me if I get a six pack we are going to have problems that my stomach is no existent. This is not purposely although I am enjoying that it has not taken much effort. I must admit though that the 25+ pairs of jeans in my closet are pretty much making me upset about the not trying for weight loss.
When my mom visited last weekend she mentioned had I been doing anything to help it along and frankly I can say I am not. Two strollers with flat tires have been my excuse for several mile walks. I mean I have raked and cleaned the house and chased a toddler but many friends do the same and are just the size they are.
A while back I had a rude awakening about food allergies this has altered my diet pretty extremely but even then I am surprised that it has affected my body the way it has. Who knew gluten was worth so much weight, literally.
Don't get me wrong I am in no way complaining that I have gone down several sizes without trying but at the same token I am so not in the mood to go get a new wardrobe. So far my belt has been my saving grace and I am down to rotating 4 or 5 of the maybe 25 jeans I have as to keep them on my ass when I am walking around.
I know that it is time to go through my closet and be realistic that even with a pregnancy or weight gain I will probably never see the size some of them are again. Again happy for the loss of the weight sad for the loss of some of the clothes I adore.
I have not stepped on the scale in months which is probably a good thing considering this loss was not planned and if the numbers did not reflect the size changes I would be totally worried.
I started thinking I may take this size change as an opportunity to really take a look at my wardrobe and what I want and need in it. As my life has changed so much over the last 6 months it only seems that my clothes should too. I am kind of giddy about this but being I don't want to end up with just passing trends or likes I am taking my time. And by time I mean I have not bought anything!
The loss is getting more noticeable by other people and I continue to get asked what I am doing, UHHH nothing really. Frankly I like my friends answer better, exercising and a meal plan sounds much more confident and realistic!
While I will continue to eat how I have been and meal plan for the month I do wonder when the loss will stop. I pretty much only have a butt and thighs left and well I would be happy for them to down size but they do seem to be hanging on for dear life.
I am excited to see what comes of the physical changes this spring and summer and how my wardrobe changes as I get more confident and comfortable in this new body. And can you imagine if I get those wheels fixed??
Bring it on I say bring it on! Of course though all the jeans will still sit there quietly waiting and wondering if I will put all the weight back on...
Let me just say for the record, I hate you. Lol. No seriously though, good job, Even though you weren't really trying! And I can say maintaining is harder than losing so now you'll have to "try"! :-)