I am clearly aware of the state of the economy and all the troubles Americans or for that matter just people are having. But when it is not right in your face you tend to forget when you are going about your daily life. Things have not always been peachy for me but I can honestly say we are doing fine right now.
We have been lucky enough to make our own decisions regarding finances or jobs rather than them being forced on us. For this I know we are truly blessed. Coming to a small town reminded me of this and continues to do so on a daily basis.
While I used to run into SAHM's at the park I now run into them, yes, but grandparents and dads and aunts etc. They need a reminder that life will be ok. And many of them are unemployed. They are not there just letting their child run off some steam but also because they need the smiles and the fresh air they need a break.
I had a harsh reminder that we were not the norm the other day when everyone was talking about channels on the tv as our kids climbed and played. I could not follow the conversation, not only am I new the channels and stations but they were all talking about the channels that are not through cable. To me cable just is in our house. Working from home occasionally and a husband on call who works in computers means that internet is a must thus it seems cable just goes right along with it.
I left that day in aww that I had slipped into the ranks of cable is not a privilege! How was this possible? I am very aware of the hungry or the homeless but we seem to forget some of the things we are just used to others would love to have even just for a day.
We are not rich and we are not out here on a horse ranch living it up but by far we are not the norm. I keep getting asked how did we find jobs to move here and I explain my husband is now a commuter that we did not come and surpass all those in line looking for work.
No matter where you go, well I will take that back, almost everywhere you go people are thrilled to help, serve, or whatever it is they do you. They are grateful for their jobs and their opportunities. The fast food person is not frowning or a teenager who has to be there because their parents said find a job. The checker is not pissy and throwing your groceries over they are smiling and engaging in conversation.
It is something I needed something I missed. I missed the level playing field. I was taught do what you love and do it well. The money will follow or maybe it wont but as long as you are happy that is what matters and you see that here on a daily basis. More often than not you can feel that the adults are not snubbing one another because of what someone does for a living.
Now I am not going to assume the teenagers in the area have all skipped the usual better than you clique phase but what I have noticed is manners for the most part. Manners that I hope rub off on my son.
I have to admit that in my middle and high school we were among the lowest income students. It was hard when you looked around at all the things others had. Or when you went and bought swiss cake rolls because they were $.99 and lasted a whole week. But if we choose to stay here and hubby continues at his company and is blessed to keep his job for a long time our son will never know that feeling which to me is something I have always striven for.
Don't get me wrong he will know what it is like to earn, to be told no, to not be handed everything but he will hopefully not have to worry if rent will be paid or if food will be on the table.
Sometimes we think that we just want to do or go somewhere for the heck of it! So we can live in a small town or have animals. But in all reality there was just so much more to the plan than ever known. We truly are and have been blessed.
It really does take these experiences for you to take a minute and a breath and realize exactly how lucky you are. Thanks for reminding me to do just that today.
ReplyDeleteI understand totally. Sometimes it takes one of these moments to remind us.. Although near us we have some of the opposite going on.. we have people abusing the system and taking welfare moneys even though they are qualified to work etc or use it for as long as they can before they are forced to get a job. (I know that sounds harsh but here it can be like that) I have to remind myself of the blessings I have. I grew up poor in the inner city with a single mother and only had cable for about a year growing up.. Now we have it and it seems that it is the normal until you hear someone say they do not have that.
ReplyDeleteI thank my lucky stars that my hubby works hard to allow me to stay home. I am also thankful that I am not forced to work an opposite shift than my hubby to make things work. I go without things on my own to have this lifestyle but every sacrifice I make is one others might not even have!
Thanks for posting this and reminding us all to thank God today for what we have!