Thursday, February 2, 2012

Get In, Sit Down, Shut Up

Get in, sit down and shut up! You think that I would be saying this to my 1 year old in hopes of training him early but in fact I say it to myself and even my husband some times as we get into the car now a days. 

Once we moved here we were informed we are in somewhat of a snow bird town.  For those of you who do not know what snow bird means it means that all the cold elderly come here to spend winter.  And with them they bring their cars.  Lots of them! 

Now I know it is not fair of me to think that they should just fly down here and resort to public transit or to expect them to legalize golf carts out on SR 44 but some of them just don't belong behind the wheel.  Thus we have implemented a new rule in the car, just deal and relax. 

I am an impatient and loud person, shocker I know.  And with a background in real estate that caused me to drive for years I am quick and observant and I do not do well with lollygaggers.  But this all has to change or I will never be able to go out again in the months of winter. 

I have decided that God put me here because I would love it but also to teach me to be patient, quiet, caring and to let go of that which we can not control.  And by control he means I am not allowed to follow the little old lady to her destination and when she parks her car offer her a phone book to sit on so she can see over her steering wheel.  In fact he means just enjoy the drive and know that the destination is not going anywhere it will be there whenever I get there.

Yesterday was too fun to be behind the one elderly man in FL who will drive his boat, I mean large automobile while talking on the cell phone and occupying two lanes.  Come on most of them can not well prefer not to operate cell phones but no not him he had skill and showed it off.....for miles!  I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I do love it here and it is worth it~  oh and they leave for the summer!

It's funny those same people who drive me batty on the road  are the same ones that make me smile each day and treat B like he is the prince of this town.  I guess it is a fair trade, I keep my windows rolled up and try not to cuss at you when you almost side swipe me and you ogle after my son.

I am not the only one who notices this.  We were somewhere shopping when the sales man informed us that the police need to come in here and remove all the licenses of those who can not see signs, see over the steering wheel, can not hear and should not be driving.  And he was very serious to boot.  Me I do not need to be that harsh just use golf carts or stay off the roads when I want to use them, mmmm kay.

I am just kidding I love this place and will gladly share it with those who can not drive and should not drive.  I may just say not so nice things if I am in a hurry or be counting the minutes till two lanes or one to pass you but by all means it is not because I don't like you or don't want to live amongst you!  It is in fact because I am too fast for my own good and just now learning to slow down and enjoy life.


  1. We saw an elderly person sitting at a stop light texting yesterday. We were like OMG, this is suicide! LOL! I cannot even imagine her driving and texting because she could barely see over the steering wheel. SCARY!

  2. Oh jeez, if you were in Missouri, those would be my inlaws. A few weeks ago when they came to visit, it was fairly windy and they told us, with much drama, that they had to drive 50mph instead of the speed limit of 60mph and with their emergencies on because it was so windy. It's just wind, people! My husband asked them if they were in a hot air balloon...they were not amused.

  3. My inlaws are in the group down there. If you see personalized MI license plates with my last name on it then please do not hurt them.. Just let me know and I will tease them about it horribly until they come home! LOL
