This will make no sense to some and to others who know me personally will make a ton of sense. I can now be found here
A while back I got on to post and found myself just writing away about my past. I wanted a place to document things so I could print them out and save them. Well thanks to all those English teachers saying a title matters it seemed they just did not fit here. I also feel like I have had so many reasons to write and I would just like if there was no reason. Does that make sense? Anyways, what felt good was that I wrote and wrote and wrote. So some days I will post those old writing and some days the new day to day. But what I can promise is that this time I am writing for ONLY ME. This is a huge step in self accountability being I always wanted to write a book and then when blogging became big I wanted to be a successful blogger. No matter how I got there. Now I just want to write and create a place where I can reminisce and remember. So please join me on Our Front Porch.
Can't wait to read your thoughts!