Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Feeling The Holidays

Because we are trying to sell our home we have limited decorations to outside and a tree only.  Besides not wanting the home to feel cluttered we just do not want to have to pack it all back up when we make the move which is actually sooner than later.  While the outside lights click on each night at dusk the corner for the tree has not yet been filled with greenery, ribbon and glowing lights.  Yet some how this Christmas feels bigger, brighter and more giving than any I can remember. 

When I take a moment and look around at all that we have and all that we can share I know that we are blessed.  I know that this is what this season is all about.  B is only 1 and does not know that the house should be adorned in greenery, bows and knick knacks.  All he knows is that his Mom and Dad are happier and more at peace than he has ever known in his short little life.  I figure that is good enough for holiday cheer, right?

We are not doing presents for each other and have limited B's to two items he needs and a few smaller ones from us and have asked people to pair up and buy larger items as he really is not into toys if they insist on buying something.  While it is technically his first Christmas he is old enough to kind of understand we just want to teach him the true meaning of this holiday season.  Of course the religious aspect is a given. 

While all this a detour from the usual Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party and decorations throughout the home I am still enjoying and soaking in every minute of this years holiday festivities.  And I must admit that I am not missing having to chase B around and pull him down from any bow or bell he can reach or for that matter can't because lets be honest the kid is half monkey!

Besides the notable differences inside the house I have noticed that this year I am all about giving.  It is not that I do not give throughout the year but I think because of the economy I am wanting to do more.  I am realizing that while I was worried I might be giving up a pool to move I am actually blessed to have a home much less a stinken pool!  I joined a group of women bloggers who are planning on giving back all year long, I have gone through all closets and drawers and the donation pile is stacking up.  I am just feeling it is time that I realize that I have so much that I do not need and use. 

I have been in Fl for 7 years and always found myself complaining that it did not feel like Christmas because the trees were still green and there was no snow flurry to be found but I think most of all what I am realizing this year is that I just was not looking hard enough for the sights and sounds of what the holidays now mean to me as a wife and mom!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! We sometimes forget the true meaning of Christmas. Sullivan will be one this year as well and we can't really get him too much (not even doing presents with the hubby) but it'll just be the three of us on Christmas morning and, quite honestly, that's the part I'm looking forward to most of all. Ps. My kid is perfectly happy with a spatula and a wooden spoon. He prefers those to his toys most days. Cheap and easy gifts :)
