Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Lost Week

I feel like I have lost an entire week and frankly I probably have!  An entire week I will never get back I will never get to know what would have come of that week and what glorious things could have been accomplished as I was too busy trying to take care of a 1 year old and my sick man child.

Don't get me wrong I am not trying to bash my husband or complain about him but this whole man getting sick thing just makes your life stand still.  It was a cold not the flu or strep but a cold.  The first day when he said he had a cough you would have thought the world was coming to an end.  He literally had me in stitches as he proceeded to tell me that it was not just a cough but a sore throat.  I mentally noted the day the cold started and thank goodness had recently read somewhere that a cold takes 7 days and there is not much you can do for it other than let it run its course so needless to say at day 2 I was already reaching for day 7.

I would ask him to go get the baby or do something with B and he kept saying but I have a cold or I can't give him the germs.  And of course like most people I followed it with but when I was sick.... I did let him get extra rest and made him food but beyond that I was just not too patient.  There was nights I felt like a bad wife as I giggled when he thought he was dying because finally it was draining and he went through a box of tissues.  But that quickly went away when I remembered the one time I had been knock down drag out sick for a day and I still found myself changing a poopy diaper that night.

For the most part he is much better at babying me when I don't feel good I will give him that but holy cow they are not kidding when they say that men take sickness like a baby.  I am so glad he did not remember the segment on The Today Show that talked about men taking it harder because of hormones or something.  I mean me vs. The Today show, I so would have lost that debate!  Instead he just complained and embellished his I am so sick voice when he answered the phone and I took care of B hoping that somehow even though he is male that he will not inherit this "I am dying" drama when he has the common cold.

Now we are rounding the end of the seven day invader of our lives I realize that I too can no longer blame the cold!  Shhhh I think I was doing it too.  I mean we had so many plans over this past weekend and only 1 thing got done.  Our days did not start till 1-2pm and I really didn't care.  B did not bathe all weekend and his meals should have been a little more round but I pretended in my head that I had to take care of hubby to excuse this.  The groceries were grabbed quickly and only the necessities at that.  I think we all needed the break and his cold was a perfect excuse although I will never admit it to him. 

The sheets have been washed, house sanitized and me relieved that the cold is almost gone as I only feel like taking care of one baby with all we have going on right now.  Go figure after all my not babying him I wasn't feeling good this morning and I was met with much more compassion than I showed him.  I felt bad again till my stuffiness was met with yet another dirty diaper and then a do you need anything to feel better?

Ahh the life of being a Mom!


  1. Oh this made me laugh. Men are such babies when they get sick! Hope your guy is on the mend and that you have a large supply of Lysol :)

  2. Haha I am your husband! When I get sick I expect pampering from my husband. Of course, now that Owen is here no one gets pampered but him!
