Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"No" Etiquette

The other day I was at the playground with B, there was one other little boy and his grandpa.  The boys played together well.  The other one was a little older so as B warmed up to him he became his shadow.  They climbed stairs, crawled tunnels and dived down the slides.  It was wonderful to seem him interact.

Just as the other little boy was getting more comfortable with B I was getting more uncomfortable.  The little boy was very touchy feely.  Nothing funny just pulling B down or climbing on him if he fell or tripped.  This is all new to me as B is the only boy right now and none of his play dates have consisted of this.  I just let it go and really did not worry about it.

Just as I was finally realizing that I may need to relax a bit the little boy growled and stomped at B.  Don't get me wrong he stomped lightly but did put his foot right on B's diaper in his crotch area.  My immediate reaction was to tell the boy no.  I was not stern nor loud.  I just simply told him No he can not do that as B is not used to playing like that and could end up hurt or scared.

His grandpa was wonderful and pulled him away and in that moment I realized I am not sure if I did the right thing or overstepped my boundaries.  It happened one more time and I again told the little boy no and explained why.  His grandfather mimicked my words and told him that B was not his little brother and he could not do that.

Everything ended up fine but I have since wondered did I do something wrong in that situation.  I mean I do not want to be "that" mom at the playground!  I just did not like how close B was to getting hurt and not by accident or because he is just a little guy but because he does not know how to play like rough like that.  I mean his Dad is more protective than me and has yet to show him wrestling or rough housing.

Maybe I should have waited for the grandfather to tell his grandson no or maybe I should have kept my mouth shut and pulled B away.  Or heck maybe I should have just let them be.  I mean we do hope for other kids and I know they will rough house and play and climb and growl and stomp.

I was totally prepared for the typical challenges of staying at home but holy cow this was a new one to face!  I mean I have run into the little boy who pushed my son and the one that told him No this is mine, or the little girl who stole his toy but this one totally threw me off!

I am sure this is not the last playground blunder I will face but please oh please let me know how to react best for my child and myself otherwise you are all invited to the playground that I will be building in my back yard!


  1. I hope you're not wrong because that is EXACTLY what I would do. You didn't touch his grandson - you just told him no and even explained why it was wrong to do it - calmly. I'm dying to know what other moms say.

  2. You did EXACTLY what I would have done! You explained that is not how B plays, and that is totally acceptable. Unfortunately, this is not the last encounter you are going to be faced with at the playground. Some kids are just plain mean, and we are now facing that (hard to explain to an almost 4 year old).

    Come to the playground with us, C will take care of B!

    Good luck!
